Saturday, August 18, 2012


the best part of living is just after the waterall, floating up above the animals and hovering befogged for a few moments to watch them in their splendor and quotidian exercises that make them swell with the beauty of everyday life. 'banal' is not a bad word. after this little, slightly cunctative, semi-voyeuristic interval, and then rising integrally through tropo-/strato-/meso-/iono- + into the vacuum as chemistry bleeds out and pushes past the moon and blurs and striates and flattens to the event horizon; sucked through as dripdripdrip normalcy returns and i'm back in my bed lying and staring at the ceiling at the pieces of g-i-t-d stickers that came in a huge sheet but were cut and stuck to the ceiling to look out like stars.